Her World

We see her world, as our space,
We see her world, as a single place,
We see her world, lost in our race,
We see her world, without her trace,
We see her world, and not her grace,
We see her world, without a face.

We use her world, for our games,
We use her world, and tame her game,
We use her world, and fill our heads,
We use her world, till we are dead,
We use her world, as it were free,
We use her world, yet we cannot be.

Her world it was, our womb,
Her world it is, now our tomb,
Her world it was, our breast,
Her world it is, we tear her chest,
Her world it was, evergreen,
Her world it is, now a machine.

Yet worry not, for she is fine,
Yet worry not, there is still time,
Yet worry not, there is a chance,
Yet worry not, take a stand,
Yet worry not, it is at hand,
Yet worry not, walk the land.

She'll come to you, as you begin to see,
See her trace, grace and every face,
She'll walk with you, teaching her ways,
She'll talk to you, in many ways,
She'll hold your hand, as you cross her land,
She'll keep you safe, as you find your space.

C/Copen A space to be, forever free,
A space to feel, love and peace,
A space to share, what's in her heart,
A space of joy, in every heart,
A space to grow, with her trees,
A space for all, her children to be.

This space is not a special place,
It's deep in your cellular space,
It's been with you by her grace,
It'll be with you till you see her face.

Then there'll be a mighty storm,
That'll churn you up, throwing out every norm,
You will then begin to see,
Begin to feel, as you peel,
Every layer, you have ever worn,
That's shrouded you, in clouds of doubt,
She is u and u are her,
That is all that's ever been,
Ever been to see and feel,
Feel the joy, love and peace,
See her trace, grace and every face,
As she goes about her dance.

उसकी दुनिया

उसकी दुनिया, देखें हम, अपनी जागीर, रणभूमि के रंग,
उसकी दुनिया, देखें हम, खोए जंग में, का कोई लक्षण,
उसकी दुनिया, ना देखें हम, करुणा उसकी, चेहरे उसके.

उसकी दुनिया, दबोचे हम, पालें पशु पक्षी, खेल है सब,
उसकी दुनिया, दबोचे हम, सिर भरते रहें, जब तक ना मरजाएँ,
उसकी दुनिया, दबोचे हम, मुफ़्त हो सब, ना आज़ाद मगर.

उसकी दुनिया, थी हुमारी कोक, बंगाई कबर, होज़ाएँ चोक,
उसकी दुनिया, था हमारा आँचल, बनगया, जंग का बादल,
उसकी दुनिया, थी सदा बहार, बंगाई अब, यंत्रों का वार.

मगर डरो नहीं, माँ हें वो, मगर डरो नहीं, वक्त को सम्झो,
मगर डरो नहीं, मौका पास, मगर डरो नहीं, आज़ादी की आस,
मगर डरो नहीं, चलना होगा, मगर डरो नहीं, आया बुलावा.

वो आएगी, देखोगे जब तुम, चहरा उसका, लक्षण और जिन्ह,
वो थामेगी, रखेंगे पास, जैसे चलोगे धरती, ढूँढते स्थान.

एक स्थान जहाँ, हों आज़ाद,
एक स्थान जहाँ, हो शांति और प्यार,
एक स्थान जहाँ, बान्टे दिल का उपहार,
एक स्थान जहाँ, सुने दिलों की आस,
एक स्थान जहाँ, उगाएं पेड़ और बाल,
एक स्थान जहाँ, हर बच्चे से प्यार.

ये स्थान कोई खास नहीं, ये स्थान है,हर सांस में,
यह स्थान मिले, उसकी आस में, यह स्थान खुले, ध्यान से.

फिर आएगा एक भूचाल, समुद्रा मंथन का तूफान,
फिक जाएगा विष अमृत, देखोगे फिर सबकुछ सॉफ,
एहसास होगा, खुलते ही सांस, उतरेंगे लेप, बंधनों की गाँठ,
वो और तुम, एक ही हो, यही था, असली राज़,
जो जानना था, करके एहसास, शांति और प्रेम, समता रस,
देखोगे उसका चहरा, सारे लक्षण, सारे ही चिन्ह,
जैसे करे, वो अपना, नाच.

Sweet Dual Tone 2nd fret